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The Acceptance Song: (from The Prom) Alyssa Greene: (from The Prom) Barry Is Going to Prom: (from The Prom) Changing Lives: (from The Prom) Dance with You It's Not About Me: (from The Prom) It's Time to Dance: (from The Prom) Just Breathe: (from The Prom) The Lady's Improving: (from The Prom) Love Thy Neighbor: (from The Prom) Tonight Belongs to You: (from The Prom) Unruly Heart: (from The Prom) We Look to You: (from The Prom) You Happened: (from The Prom) Zazz: (from The Prom) Zazz: (from The Prom) Zazz: (from The Prom) Zazz: (from The Prom) Zazz: (from The Prom)
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