Orlande De Lassus Sheet Music
Title Index
View sorted by Keyword/Subject, Style, Form or Instruments and Voices
[A] B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Titles beginning with the letter A: (Items beginning with the words "A" and "An" are listed by their second word.)
Ad te levavi oculos meos
for Altus, Bass Voice, Tenor Voice and Cantus
Adorna thalamum tuum, Sion
for Tenor Voice, Alto Voice, Cantus, Bass Voice and Choir
Agimus Tibi Gratias
for Cantus, Bass Voice, Altus and Tenor Voice
Alleluia, vox laeta personat
for Bass Voice, Cantus, Tenor Voice, Alto Voice and Choir
Alma Nemes
for Altus, Bass Voice, Cantus and Tenor Voice
Andreas, Christi famulus
for Bass Voice, 2 Cantus,
2 Tenor Voices and
Angelus Domini descendit de caelo
for Cantus, Bass Voice, Altus, Tenor Voice, Cantus and Tenor Voice
Animam meam dilectam tradidi
for Cantus, Altus, Tenor Voice, Bass Voice and SAATB Choir
Annelein, du singst fein
for Altus, Tenor Voice, Cantus, Bass Voice and Choir
Anni nostri sicut aranea
for Cantus, Tenor Voice, Bass Voice and Altus
Ante me non est formatus Deus
for Tenor Voice, Altus, Cantus, Bass Voice and SAATTB Choir
Audi dulcis amica mea
for Tenor Voice, Altus, Cantus, Bass Voice and Choir
Audi tellus
for Altus, Bass Voice, Tenor Voice, Cantus and SAATTB Choir
Audite nova!
for Tenor Voice, Bass Voice, Cantus, Altus and Choir
Au� gutem grundt
for Bass Voice, Tenor Voice, Cantus, Alto Voice and Choir
Ave color vini clari
for Alto Voice, Bass Voice, 2 Tenor Voices,
Cantus and Choir
Ave Regina caelorum
for 3-Part
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023