Anonymous Sheet Music
Classical Style
6 Ariette da camera: III. Bella Nice, che d'amore: Arietta
6 Lieder für eine Frauenstimme: I. Morgentau
Adon Olam: Setting I and Setting II
All and Some: Medieval English General Carol
Almen se non poss'io: Arietta
Ashreinu: Setting I
Ashreinu: Setting II
Can She Excuse My Wrongs: (from The First Booke of Songes or Ayres 1597)
Che fiero costume: How void of compassion
Christ the Lord Is Ris'n Again!: "Christ Ist Erstanden"
Come Again Sweet Love - Trumpet & Piano
Come Again: from 1st Book of Ayres
Dona Nobis Pacem: "Grant Us Thy Peace"
Dona Nobis Pacem: "Grant Us Thy Peace"
Dona Nobis Pacem: "Grant Us Thy Peace"
Dona Nobis Pacem: "Grant Us Thy Peace"
Dona Nobis Pacem: "Grant Us Thy Peace"
Dona Nobis Pacem: "Grant Us Thy Peace"
Dusk: adapted from the Valse by the composer
Ein Adir: Setting I
Ein Adir: Setting II
Ein Keiloheinu: Setting I
Ein Keiloheinu: Setting II
Ein Keiloheinu: Setting III
Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer: Setting I
Franza, Franza, Viva Franza
Greensleeves to a Ground - Cello & Piano
Greensleeves to a Ground - Flute & Piano: from: "The Division Flute"
Halleluhu: Setting I
Halleluhu: Setting II
Halleluhu: Setting III
Hark the Ech'ing Air!
If Our God Had Not Befriended
Il fervido desiderio: Arietta
Il mio bel foco [Quella fiamma che m'accende]: My joyful ardor SF 142
Italiana: (Saltarello)
Kemp's Jig: Piano Accompaniment
Komm Susser Tod BWV 478
Komm Susser Tod BWV 478 [intermediate]
L'abbandono: Romanza
La farfalletta: Canzoncina
La Folia
The Last Rose of Summer
The Last Rose of Summer
Maoz Tsur: Setting I
Maoz Tsur: Setting II
Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken
Minuet: Accompaniment Part
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal: II. Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting
Oh, Tiny Child - Trumpet & Piano BWV 493
Pur dicesti, o bocca bella: Mouth so charmful
Rondel Chinois
Shalom Aleichem
Shomeir Yisraeil
Spring-Tide of the Year
Three Renaissance Pieces
'Tis the Last Rose of Summer [easy]
'Tis the Last Rose of Summer [intermediate]
Torna, vezzosa Fillide
Tov Lehodot
Trio on "Away In a Manger": "Cradle Song"
Two German Dances
Vaga luna, che inargenti: Arietta
Visin, Visin, Visin
Viva, viva in nostro core
Viva, viva in oratione
Viva, viva la ragione
Voi toccate la chiavetta
The Waits: (1673)
Weep You No More: from Seven Elizabethan Lyrics
What Star Is This: (Puer Nobis) for Organ
Wiegenlied, D. 498 - Cello & Piano: Cradle Song D. 498 / Op. 98, No. 2
Wilson's Wilde
Wilson's Wilde
Yom Zeh Leyisraeil
Yom Zeh Mechubad
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023