TTBB Choir Sheet Music
Artists Index
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Artists beginning with the letter L:
Lawrence, Philip
Just the Way You Are
Leavitt, John
Vive la Compagnie!
Lee, Amy
My Immortal
Legend, John
All of Me
All of Me
Lennon, John
All My Loving
Let It Be
When I'm Sixty-Four
Lenz, Asher
My Father's Son
Les Mis�rables
Do You Hear the People Sing?: from Les Mis�rables
Levine, Adam
This Love
Levine, Ari
Just the Way You Are
Lewis, Sam M.
My Mammy
Who'll Dry Your Tears When You Cry?
Liberian Folk Song
African Noel
Ligertwood, Brooke
What a Beautiful Name
Lightbody, Gary
Liles, Joe
Goodbye Means the End of My World
Goodbye Means the End of My World: (Women's Barbershop Style)
I Miss Mother Most of All
I Wanta Sing Not Dance (at the Old Folks Barbershop Ball)
I'll Never Write a Love Song Any More
My Heart Is Aching for You
Little, Little Jack
I'm So Alone With the Crowd
Livingston, Jerry
What's the Good Word, Mister Bluebird
Loeb, John Jacob
Seems Like Old Times
Lombardo, Carmen
Seems Like Old Times
Lombardo, Guy
Seems Like Old Times
Lopez, Kristen Anderson
Frozen Medley
Lopez, Robert
Frozen Medley
Remember Me
Love, Mike
Help Me Rhonda
Lowry, Robert
The Blood Medley: (Victory in Jesus - Are You Washed in the Blood? - Nothing But the Blood - There Is Power in the Blood)
How Can I Keep from Singing?
Lyne, Greg
Swingin' in a Hammock
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023