Violin Sheet Music
Traditional Style
Abide with Me - Violin 1 Part (String Quartet)
by William Henry Monk and Henry Francis Lyte
Abide with Me - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by William Henry Monk and Henry Francis Lyte
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Violin 1 (String Quartet): Coronation
by Oliver Holden and Edward Perronet
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Violin 1 (String Quartet): Diadem
by James Ellor
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Violin 2 (String Quartet): Coronation
by Oliver Holden and Edward Perronet
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Violin 2 (String Quartet): Diadem
by James Ellor
Amazing Grace - Violin
by Traditional and John Newton
America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) - Violin Part 1 (String Quartet)
by Traditional Melody and Rev. Samuel F. Smith
America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) - Violin Part 2 (String Quartet)
by Traditional Melody and Rev. Samuel F. Smith
America the Beautiful - Violin
by Samuel Augustus Ward and Katherine Lee Bates
America the Beautiful - Violin 1 Part (String Quartet)
by Samuel Augustus Ward and Katherine Lee Bates
America the Beautiful - Violin 2 Part (String Quartet)
by Samuel Augustus Ward and Katherine Lee Bates
Annie Laurie - Violin 1
by Lady John Scott
Annie Laurie - Violin 2
by Lady John Scott
Be Thou My Vision - Violin
by Traditional Irish Melody, Traditional Irish and Eleanor Hull
Beautiful Dreamer - Violin 1
by Stephen C. Foster
Beautiful Dreamer - Violin 2
by Stephen C. Foster
Blessed Assurance - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by Fanny J. Crosby and Jos. F. Knapp
Blessed Assurance - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by Fanny J. Crosby and Jos. F. Knapp
The Caissons Go Rolling Along - Violin: (The Army Goes Rolling Along)
by Edmund L. Gruber
Deep River - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by African American Spiritual
Deep River - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by African American Spiritual
Fairest Lord Jesus - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by German Hymn
Fairest Lord Jesus - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by German Hymn
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by Traditional English Carol and Traditional
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by Traditional English Carol and Traditional
God Save the Queen - Violin
by Traditional
He Leadeth Me - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by William Batchelder Bradbury and Joseph H. Gilmore
He Leadeth Me - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by William Batchelder Bradbury and Joseph H. Gilmore
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna - Violin Part 1 (String Quartet): Ellacombe
by Gesangbuch
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna - Violin Part 2 (String Quartet): Ellacombe
by Gesangbuch
How Great Thou Art - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by Stuart K. Hine and Traditional
How Great Thou Art - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by Stuart K. Hine and Traditional
I Love To Tell the Story - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by William G. Fischer and Katherine Hankey
I Love To Tell the Story - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by William G. Fischer and Katherine Hankey
Irish Blessing - Violin
by Traditional Irish and Old Gaelic Blessing
Jesus, What a Wonderful Child - Violin
by Traditional
Londonderry Air - Violin 1: Danny Boy
by Traditional Irish Air
Londonderry Air - Violin 2: Danny Boy
by Traditional Irish Air
Lough Erin Shore - Violin
by Traditional
performed by The Corrs
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Violin Part 1 (String Quartet): Ein' Feste Burg
by Martin Luther
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Violin Part 2 (String Quartet): Ein' Feste Burg
by Martin Luther
My Country, 'Tis of Thee - Violin
by Traditional American and Samuel Francis Smith
Nearer, My God, to Thee - Violin (Part 1)
by Lowell Mason and Sarah Adams
Nearer, My God, to Thee - Violin (Part 2)
by Lowell Mason and Sarah Adams
Pomp and Circumstance - Violin 1 Part (String Quartet)
by Edward Elgar
Pomp and Circumstance - Violin 2 Part (String Quartet)
by Edward Elgar
Scarborough Fair - Violin I Part
by Traditional
Scarborough Fair - Violin II Part
by Traditional
Shall We Gather at the River? - Violin 1 (String Quartet): Hanson Place
by Robert Lowry
Shall We Gather at the River? - Violin 2 (String Quartet): Hanson Place
by Robert Lowry
Silent Night / Away In a Manger - Violin (Part 1)
by Franz Gruber, James R. Murray, Joseph Mohr
and John T. McFarland
Silent Night / Away In a Manger - Violin (Part 2)
by Franz Gruber, James R. Murray, Joseph Mohr
and John T. McFarland
Simple Gifts - Violin (Part 1)
by Traditional Shaker Song
Simple Gifts - Violin (Part 2)
by Traditional Shaker Song
To God Be the Glory - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by William H. Doane and Fanny J. Crosby
To God Be the Glory - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by William H. Doane and Fanny J. Crosby
Were You There? - Violin 1 (String Quartet)
by Traditional
Were You There? - Violin 1: Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
by Traditional
Were You There? - Violin 2 (String Quartet)
by Traditional
Were You There? - Violin 2: Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
by Traditional
What Child Is This? - Violin 1 (String Quartet): Greensleeves
by 16th Century English Melody and Traditional
What Child Is This? - Violin 2 (String Quartet): Greensleeves
by 16th Century English Melody and Traditional
When Johnny Comes Marching Home - Flute
by Louis Lambert
When Johnny Comes Marching Home - Violin
by Louis Lambert
When You and I Were Young, Maggie - Violin 1
by James Austin Butterfield and George W. Johnson
When You and I Were Young, Maggie - Violin 2
by James Austin Butterfield and George W. Johnson
Yankee Doodle - Violin
by Traditional
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023